Winter Scene With Snowman 2
by David Dehner
Winter Scene With Snowman 2
David Dehner
Mixed Media
Winter Scene With Snowman 2
A great winter day, the kids built a chubby snowman next to the pine tree, used sticks for arms, dads scarf and an old hat they found in the attic.
They are sitting at the dining table looking out the window at the new falling snow.
The soup is good and hot and they watch as the night falls on the tree and their new frosty friend.
August 22nd, 2021
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Comments (19)
Your artwork has been featured on the homepage of FAA Gallery Home For All Artists Who Create. Please post your amazing artwork in our` Archive your July Features` discussion.
Taphath Foose
Beautiful work, David!!! CONGRATULATIONS, your work is featured in "Your Best Work"! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" discussion thread and any other thread that is fitting!! 😊
David Dehner
Thank you Kim for featuring this image in your great group THE ROAD TO SELF PROMOTION - Dave